User Manager

The user Manager is known as the clearing and forwarding agent (c/f) of our business.

User Manager can appoint any number of business heads who controls the entire business. The user Manager is the official staff/partner of the company. Only he/she can register Business Heads. He/she will direct the Business Head under them. User Manager can create their own Business heads and business Agents.

User Managers can receive five types of income Income

Income1:  User Manager can receive 5% of the shop registration package every year assigned through his business agents.

Income 2: User Manager can receive 5% of the aggregated profit received by the Company through shop sales.

Income 3: User Manager can receive 5% from the advertisement package of each shop assigned through his business agents.

Income 4: User Manager can receive 10% from Business Agent registration.

Income 5: User Manager can receive 25% from Business Head Registration.